Granada Federico García Lorca Airport (GRX) Car Rental

18320 Santa Fe, GR

Location Details

Enterprise Rent A Car, CTRA. DEL AEROPUERTO, KM 0.5, 18320 Santa Fe, GR, ES

+34 958 75 90 02

Location Services

After Hours Return Return is available on this location which might require you follow a few additional steps. You'll see these instructions on your reservation email.


Arrival Directions

We are located offsite of the terminal at Granada airport. To reach our office please take our courtesy shuttle bus. Once you have picked up your luggage please exit outside the terminal, turn right and walk to the end towards the shuttle bus pick up area. Our courtesy shuttle bus with our Enterprise, National, and Alamo logos should be at the shuttle pick up area to take you to the office which is less than 5 minutes away. If your flight is delayed or if our shuttle bus is not at the pick-up area, please do not hesitate to call us at  34 628 538 355 or 34 610 436 417.

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