Alicante-Elche Airport (ALC) Car Rental

03320 Elche Elx, A

Location Details

Ctra. De Torrellano-Aeropuerto, S N, 03320 Elche Elx, A, ES

+34 965 00 04 29

Location Services

After Hours Return Return is available on this location which might require you follow a few additional steps. You'll see these instructions on your reservation email.


Arrival Directions

This office is located outside of the airport. To collect your vehicle please follow the signs for ‘Hotels’ & take the elevator or escalator to level -2. Once outside of the terminal building walk, to bus stops 1-5 where the shuttle service will pick you up and take you to the rental office. The shuttle runs approximately every 15 minutes and the journey time is 5 minutes.

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